HTTP Request Headers

Default headers

The default headers sent with requests are found in .req.def:

"Connection"| "Close"
"User-Agent"| "kdb+/3.5"
"Accept"    | "*/*"

The User-Agent header is automatically generated from the version of kdb+ (i.e. .z.K)

Custom headers

One of the key features of reQ is the ability to send custom headers with HTTP requests. This is done by supplying a dictionary of custom headers as the second argument to many of the User API functions, such as .req.get,, .req.delete and .req.del

For example:

q).req.get["";`custom`headers!("with custom";"values")]
       | Accept Connection Custom        Headers  Host          User-Agent
-------| -----------------------------------------------------------------
headers| "*/*"  "close"    "with custom" "values" "" "kdb+/3.5"